Thursday, September 20, 2012

TOMS: One for One

The other day my little sister received a box in the mail and it turned out to be a pair of TOMS. My first thought? Go figure... my 17 year old sister would rush to follow the norm of society. I had never really understood the vast majority of people who had bought them. Sure they look comfortable but they are quite simple, so what's the big hype all about? Well, apparently I have been in my own dream world lately. Much to my surprise, there is a lot more to these shoes than I would have guessed. My sister told me they are not only affordable and comfortable, but for every pair of shoes that is bought, they give a brand new pair of shoes to a child in need. She and my other sister then proceeded to laugh at my lack of apparent 'common knowledge'. However, now that I have learned this, I am quite intrigued. These affordable, comfortable and simple shoes now seem much more appealing.

My curiosity now leads me to wonder if that is the reason TOMS are so popular? Are people buying them for the greater good or is it just a temporary hot item like Blackberry? I hope this isn't just a current trend and that other companies will soon catch on to this 'movement', as TOMS like to call it. It's a great cause and I can honestly say I think I might buy a pair; not because of their price or style, but because of the cause. It is such an easy way to help out, even a little bit.

Besides the 'One for One' deal though, what else do these shoes have to offer? Well, for those of you who do not know, according to their website description, they provide you with: 

          • OMS toe-stitch, and elastic V for easy on and off
          • TOMS classic suede insole with cushion for comfort
          • Latex arch insert for added support
          • One-piece outsole for flexibility and durability
So not only would you be purchasing a pair of well made, good quality and good for you shoes but you would be giving a pair of well made, good quality and good for you shoes to a child in need. You may be wondering what difference can a pair of shoes do for a child? Well, after reading a bit more into it, a pair of shoes for a child can mean a whole new way of life. The TOMS movement says wearing shoes in developing countries is detrimental to ones health as it can prevent diseases spread through the soil, prevent the infection of cuts and sores and also allows for the opportunity to go to school it is a mandatory part of the uniform. So, what we take for granted everyday is entirely life altering for a child in need. Who would have thought we could make such a difference for a mere $55?! 

Seems like the package deal, right? Well, if I still haven't got you convinced watch this video and if those smiling children don't do it, then I'm not sure what will. 


1 comment:

  1. I love my TOMS and what they stand for. You can get so many different styles and colors that go with any outfit. Personally I would rather spend $50 on a pair of shoes when one will go to someone else, as opposed to buying shoes from a similar brand like Keds, for the same price, but missing that added value of doing something good. I like how they have now branched off into making sandles, wedges and more. I wear my TOMS for oftent that I now have a perma TOMS on my feet...
