Thursday, September 27, 2012

K Stew and R Patz, Set up or Not?

I'm pretty sure most people have seen the posts about Kristen Stewart and her affair with director Rupert Sanders. If you haven't, I'll break it down for you. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Girl does movie and cheats on boy with married director. Boy and girl break up. Usually this is how the story ends, but recently K Stew and R Patz have rekindled their romance! As far as I'm concerned, once a cheater always a cheater. So why would Robert take her back? I recently heard an interesting theory that I want to share with you. It was all a publicity stunt. When I first heard this theory I thought no way! They are two high profile celebrities, stars of one of the biggest franchises around, have other separate projects coming out, why would they need to throw a cheating scandal in the mix? Well, lets start from the beginning.

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I guess if we are starting from the beginning, we need to go back to August of 2011. Filming begins for Snow White and the Huntsman where Rupert Sanders is the director, Kristen is playing Snow White, and Liberty Ross plays the Queen who dies (also happens to be Kristen's mom in the film... awkward). Now we all know the big name movie directors. Stephen Spielberg, Michael Bay, Woody Allen, Peter Jackson, the list goes on. But who is Rupert Sanders? Personally, I couldn't tell you a single movie that he has directed other than Snow White. So Rupert Sanders definitely needed a bit of a publicity boost; you know what they say, all publicity is good publicity. Lets not leave out Liberty Ross, his wife. Beautiful woman, and apparently she's a super model. Again I have not heard of her prior to this scandal. To make this even more interesting, she played the Queen in the film, or better known as Snow Whites mom.

Let's fast forward to the release of Snow White, June 2012. The movie was a hit at the box office, earning almost $400 million. Not too shabby if I should say so myself. With a high profile cast, Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth, this film was destined to do well at the box office. So this film alone did not really need the publicity, but it is the projects to come that benefited from the scandal.

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A month and a half later we see K Stew and R Patz looking great at the Teen Choice Awards. They are even holding hands as they accept their surfboards. Not even 24 hours after this though, their romantic bubble pops. Pictures in US Weekly surface of Kristen and Rupert together. Why would a man risk his wife and kids for a rendezvous with a 22 year old girl? Why would Kristen risk her reputation and relationship for a one nighter with a married man? Well this is where the theory gets interesting. There has been circulation that it was all set up! Snow White has been out for almost 2 months at this point. and the hype about it is beginning to calm down, especially given some of the reviews it has received. Kristen has a new film coming out; however this film is not a big blockbuster film, it is an indie film that will be hitting the festival circuit. Many different fashion weeks are approaching such as NYFW, and London Fashion Week, which would definitely help the career of unknown model Liberty Ross. Even Robert Pattinson has a new movie, Cosmopolis, that is being shown only in select theatres.

As you can see, all 4 of these celebrities have something to gain from this scandal. After weeks of reports of Liberty Ross ending things with Rupert, she eventually did take him back, under her 'conditions'. Rupert is seen as the regretful loving husband who will do anything to have his wife back and repair his family. Liberty was even in New York Fashion Week following this turn of events. Robert went on to do a slew of media appearances where he played the role of the hurt and innocent boyfriend, which also allowed him to insert plugs for his upcoming flick Cosmopolis. His interviews with Jon Stewart, and Good Morning America were highly anticipated and viewed. So what happened to Kristen throughout all of this? She went off the face of Hollywood. After Robert moved out, she was nowhere to be seen. When the papparazzi were able to get a picture of her, it was everywhere. She was more interesting than she had ever been. Her appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival was highly discussed and anticipated. This was her first proper, public sighting post scandal and she was looking good. This helped draw in an audience for her indie film, On the Road, and ensured all cameras were on her.

Many of you are probably wondering, well what about the Twilight Franchise. Having Edward and Bella, Robert and Kristen break up before the final Twilight film is set to come out will not roll over well with Twi-hards. And as you can see below in this YouTube clip of one Twi-hard, they were devastated. NuttyMadam3575 had her 2 cents to add to the topic.
Well as of recently Robert is giving Kristen a month long trial run to prove her loyalty to him, and he has even moved back in with her. Their reconciliation may be a miracle, cupid at work, or whatever else you want to call it. It just happens to be just in time for their promotion tour for Breaking Dawn. What do you think actually happened? Was it a real affair, and both couples have overcome the odds to end up back together? Or was it a publicity stunt to be able to promote projects and to help their careers? I think it was a legit affair because something of this nature, you cannot truly predict how the fan base would react. Fans could have dropped Kristen for being a cheater, and same with Rupert. Luckily they haven't done any lasting damage to their careers, and our favorite vampire couple Robsten are once more together.


  1. Before reading this post I would've never thought that all of this drama could've been a publicity stunt! But after reading your post I do believe that that is a very credible theory. What I don't understand is that they were both already huge Hollywood starlets and that they didn't need this at all to make them any more popular than they already are. As for Rupert I believe that it is quite sad that a director would pull a publicity stunt if that is what this was just to gain more interest and money for his film. What happened to the days where directors had to work hard and put there heart and sole into the projects and then hope for the best when it went out to the public? Overall, I really hope that this wasn't a publicity stunt because I'd like to think that Robert and Kristin would like to have professional careers not ones that are just based on scandal.

    1. I totally agree Mariam. I first heard the theory on the radio and I was like no way that's ridiculous, but as they explained the whole thing it kinda began to make sense. I don't think they are doing it for the publicity either because they are such big celebrities, I just thought it was an interesting spin on the whole thing!
