Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reality TV vs Educational TV

Tis the season! The season to throw our social lives down the drain. So long summer- where there is nothing to watch! As someone who watches pretty much every show ever of all time during the school year, summer is almost painful. God forbid I’d have to go outside to entertain myself. Alas, the TV season is back and already in full swing.

I’m not going to try to defend anything and say that the shows on TV right now are educational or thought provoking. Hell, the reason I watch the shows I do is because I don’t have to use my brain at all to keep up! Reality TV is really going down the drain (assuming it was ever anything more than pure entertainment). Jersey shore’s final season is airing next week and I think everyone can admit that the show is HI-LARIOUS to watch and extremely entertaining- but after the season in Italy, it’s gone way downhill. Teen Mom just had the series finale last week. I’m not even going to lie… I bawled like a little girl. I was legitimately upset and I’m not even ashamed to admit it! As for new reality shows…. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Seriously!? My roommate made me watch the show last night **for a whole hour!** and the only thing I could think of to say was “seriously!? I am wasting my time procrastinating homework on this?! I would almost rather do my homework!"


As I said, I think it’s pretty well common knowledge the reality TV and reality TV stars aren't necessarily the best and brightest of this generation. But how ‘bout other TV shows? There are some shows these days that are A) mind blowing, B) thought provoking, and C) intelligent. Grey’sAnatomy? House? Yaaaaa, I’ll admit the first few seasons were better and then they both faded into the mushy romantic crap, but even just watching teaches you a lot! (well, more than you’d learn on Teen Mom). What about CSI? Like Seth Rogan’s character on Superbad said “I assumed there was semen- on everything!” But seriously… you learn things! My favorite show right now.. which has unfortunately been cancelled… is Fringe. Have any of you watched Fringe? I’m not a super nerd (though I did go to Comic-Con this year), but the SciFi show Fringe really keeps you on your toes and thinking for a full 60 minutes each week. At the end of  each episode- Boom- mind blown.. again!!

So yeah... there are some crap shows out there. They stay on the air because suckers like me get addicted and will do anything to avoid doing homework! But there are also some really great shows. It seems like the intelligent and thought provoking shows are being cancelled. What shows do you guys watch? Any guilty pleasures? Are there any awesome shows that have been cancelled recently that you are upset about? The Finder, Alcatraz and Touch are some more amazing shows that I am extremely upset about being cancelled. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Dani,

    I would definitely have to agree that reality TV shows have been pretty terrible lately. There doesn't seem to be any good reality shows that are worth watching and after watching the preview for "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" I think I am going to stay away from reality TV for a while. The one show that I am super addicted to is Breaking Bad, but I can't believe they aren’t airing the last half of the season until next summer, which is ridiculous. I would have to say that one of my guilty pleasures is that I am still addicted Survivor for some odd reason. The show that I was most disappointed about for being cancelled was a show called FlashForward. It was probably one of the most addicting shows that got cancelled right when things got intense, so disappointing.
