Thursday, November 1, 2012

How old is too old to go to the bar?

This weekend the majority of people went out to celebrate Halloween, either to the bar or at parties with friends. I, personally find the bar more entertaining because it plays more music and you’re not surrounded by every single person you know. What I found this weekend was that I felt a significant amount older than the rest of the crowd at the bars I went to. I’m 23 years old, and don’t get me wrong.. I know I’m not old by any means. But when the average age at the bar is 20.. I’m pushing my luck!

I don’t know if it was the fact that 98% of the females at the bar had on skimpy outfits, and all I could think was “I bet their fathers are proud of them!”.. Or if it was that I got tired by 12:30am and I kept thinking about the homework I could be doing, or that I could be cleaning my house! As I went with my younger friends who fit into the average age category, I couldn’t ask them about how they felt. So I did what any person would do, and I goggled “how old is too old to go to the bar?”

One of the first results I found was about Paris Hilton, discussing her fame as “so five years ago”. Apparently, a friend close to Hilton said “Look, she is still going to clubs on a very frequent basis and she is 31 years old. You don’t see a lotof people over 30 going to clubs, it’s almost sad to see”. A friend of hers said that!! I mean, 31 may be pushing the limit a bit, but in Hollywood where people never age?! Who'd a thunk!

I kept searching the internet, and the next thing I found was a little funnier, yet terrifying. It's a blog called "5 signs you're too old for the club". The "signs" are: 
  • You run into someone you used to babysit (check)
  • You only want to dance to the DJ's old school set (Little Michael Jackson anyone? Check!)
  • The music is too loud (Check, had a headache for days!)
  • You want to go home by midnight (Check!)
  • Everyone calls you ma'am (Thank god, NO!) 

In the blog, the writer says that “after about 25, it’s time to retire the VIP pass and save the club hopping for special occasions”. I’m 23 years old and I checked off 4 out of 5 of the “signs” on the checklist!

The amount of blogs and newspaper articles I found searching this topic was actually shocking. what do you guys think? How old is too old? Is there an age limit at all, or is it all about how young you feel? 


  1. I can definitely relate Dani!
    I am 25 and at this point I would much rather go out for drinks than go clubbing. I partially think that it's because I've always been mature for my age, and I'm at the point in my life where I'm working in an office downtown and planning on getting married within the next year (so I'm not in the same mindset as all the 20 year olds out there!) But I have actually been pulled aside on the dance floor and told "honey, you are way too old to be here" (And that was over a year ago!) I have also run into kids I used to babysit, and I love old school hip hop night at the HiFi.
    Having said that, I still enjoy a night out with my girls to let loose once in a while. I just don't get black-out drunk and I buy my own drinks rather than depending on sleazy guys trying to hit on me for that.
    Try changing the club you go to, or go to a DJ at Flames Central instead. And if you still feel old, then it's time to go to the pub or start drinking wine and having dinner parties haha!

  2. Hey Allie! I'm glad someone else knows how I feel, and I'm not just going crazy! I've definitely cut down on my nights out on the town. Everyone has their bar star years, but I've been in university now for 5 years, and I've just found that my priorities (and bank account!) have changed drastically.

    Being 23 at the bars hasn't really fazed me until Saturday night, and I think it had a lot to do with the costumes. I don't have a problem hanging out with people younger than me, that's what happens when you're in university for as long as I have been! My fiends keep getting younger and younger! The unfortunately terrifying part of being at a bar at 23 is realizing that kids still sneak in underage (as we all did), and you end up hitting on a 16 year old kid. Ahh! Not a good time!!
