Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bring back Whose Line is it Anyway!!

Who remembers Whose Line is it Anyway? For those of you who don’t know of it, or who haven’t seen it in a while, here’s a full episode if you've got some time to watch it!

Whose Line is an improvisational show that ran from 1998- 2006. The host Drew Carey, would get his friends Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles , WayneBrady and other special guests to act out various comic games and sketches. As the show begins, Carey says that it’s “the show where everything is made up and the points don’t matter”.  Throughout the show, Drew Carey gives made up scenes and made up characters to the actors, which then have an unset amount of time to improvise and be funny. The specific scenes and characters are all made up by the audience prior to the actors’ arrival, so they have no idea what they’re getting themselves into!

Whenever I’m having a bad day and need a laugh, I find myself going on YouTube and watching old episodes of Whose Line. I was thinking about this the other day, and I wondered why that is. I assume it’s because there are no shows quite like it. There is no reality TV aspect to Whose Line, and there are no politics. As previously stated, Drew Carey says at the beginning that he does in fact reward points to the actors for each of the games they play, but he says straight up that the points don’t matter! What other kind of shows have that now?! Every show that is on air now is about “reality”, like Keeping up with the Kardashians, shows like CSI, or game shows where you can potentially win money. There aren't shows anymore that are on air for simple and pure entertainment.

If you've seen this show before, you’ll know that it’s 100 times funnier than the video I posted above. Hands down, one of the best television shows of all time. Pure entertainment, and laughing for laughing’s sake. Don’t believe me? I’ll leave you with this video (borderline best scene ever), and a question. How come we don’t have shows like this anymore? Is it because there’s no reality factor or anything you can win? Or are we getting more complex as people and we need more entertainment than four grown men running around a stage acting a fool!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani!

    First I'd like to say awesome post!

    I completely forgot this show existed! But now I'm thinking how could I have EVER forgotten about it!!! I remember watching this show as a kid with my parents. Whenever it came on my whole family and I used to crowd around the t.v. and just enjoy the laughs!

    To answer question about how why we don't have T.V shows like this anymore? I believe that it is mainly because t.v. has become more and more about making it big and becoming famous. Shows such as the X factor and the Voice becoming increasingly popular are prime examples of this. Also, people often I think that society has become very materialistic over the last few years. Where how much money you have or the things you own have become much more important than a person's self character. That's so many shows that offer cash prizes or just any kind of large prize in general have become so popular.

    I think that more shows like Who's Line Is It Anyway need to be made. Shows like this just give people an excuse to laugh and relax and, I think that we need more of that in our lives!
