Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween is not how it used to be anymore.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween! I don't know if it's just me or if most people think this, but Halloween is definitely not what it used to be. I don't have a lot of kids coming to my door trick or treating anymore and even looking out on the streets, there's not a lot of kids either. Five years ago Halloween was such an excitement to people, there were so many kids on the street and candy was going out like crazy! Kids even stayed out later than 7 - 8 just trick or treating. Today there is not many kids as you would have seen five years ago out on the streets, you don't have to buy a ton of candy to give out anymore, and it's just not a big excitement as it used to be. When I have kids will halloween just not even exist anymore?
Photo Credit: Bite Daily

I wonder why Halloween is not the same as it used to be anymore? Is it too cold for it? Do parents just not want to take their children out? Do people not see the fun in it anymore? the questions are endless, but I still think it's a fun tradition. I mean, you do get free candy and see all the cute little kids in their costumes! I've noticed that it's usually the really young kids who you see more going out trick or treating, but not so much of the junior high kids. When I was in junior high, almost everyone in our school was hyped up for halloween and going out trick or treating with their groups of friends. Now kids in junior high are all about partying and drinking. It makes me wonder what happened to that generation. Maybe they just wanted to seem more grown up? Or maybe they have just looked at older generations and wanted to be more like them? I don't know, but I personally think it's important to live your youth acting like a kid while you can. Adult life is not so easy!

Photo Credit: David Rosen 


So there's not many kids who go out trick or treating, but there also isn't as many houses decorated for Halloween. I've seen a few here and there, but not as many houses as I would've seen five years ago. On my block there is only one house that is decorated. At my old house, there are no houses decorated on that block. Nobody goes all out on their decorations for their homes anymore and that's usually what gets the attention of kids.  I used to love looking at  decorated houses and I would always be so excited to go to the one that went all out on their decorations and made their house look all spooky! I have only seen 2 houses that went all out with decorations, and a few houses who just put ghosts on their tree and pumpkins on their front steps. I wish children now got to see how Halloween used to be.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely noticed that this year as well! I figured that as I get older, I care less and less about dressing up and going out. Let's be honest, if I can't get candy.. it's just not worth it!

    On a serious note, I don't think it has to do with the weather. I remember my mom making my costume 14 sizes too big as a kid, just so I could fit my parka and ski pants underneath. Though it's been cold here the past few years on Halloween, I don't think the weather is an excuse.

    As I got older and I was "too big" to go trick or treating, I would stay at home with my parents and hand out candy. Last year, I think we maxed out at 20 people. Seriously?! 20 people!! When I was a kid, we had hundreds of people trick or treating! The streets were lined with little princesses and super heroes. I've got friends who have kids, and they told me that the more common practice now is to take the child (in the car!) to go trick or treating specifically at their family and friend's residences.

    I know when you say it out loud, it sounds wrong on so many levels: but what ever happened to the days of going to strangers houses and asking for candy!? Walking down the street from house to house, singing Halloween songs with your friends and looking at everybody's fun costumes. Kids these days just don't know what they're missing out on!
