Sunday, October 28, 2012

Obama vs. Romney

**Ding, Ding!**
In the left corner weighing in at, approximately 190 lbs -- is Mr. Presssssident, Barack Obamaaaaa!
And, in the right corner weighing in at, approximately 210 lbs -- is Governor Mitttttttt Romney!
Yes folks the battles have begun - it's that time of year again when the two fighting for Presidency come face-to-face with their gloves off and their arms swinging. 
It's the Presidential debates: Obama vs. Romney!

 Picture From: Wael Attili

   Picture From: Austen Hufford

So did you happen to follow and watch the debates? They were definitley entertaining and interesting to follow. If you did not get a chance, I've provided some links to videos of the debates (click the links below):
  • The first debate was on: Wednesday, October 3
    • This debate was between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney
    • This debate focused on domestic policy
  • The second debate was on: Thursday, October 11
  • The third debate was on: Tuesday, October 16
    • This debate was between Obama and Romney
    • This debate focused on domestic and foreign topics
    • Citizen's were allowed to ask questions
  • The fourth and final debate was on: Monday, October 22
    • This debate was between Obama and Romney
    • This debate focused on foreign policy

I happened to catch the first three debates. I personally think Romney took the win for the first debate, Vice President Biden took the win for the second debate, and Obama took the win for the third debate. I'm not exactly sure who I think is going to be elected President of the United States - but I'm leaning towards Obama taking the seat for the second time round?!

Check out the Election Polls to keep posted on who's in the lead (looks like Obama and Romney, at this point in time, are head-to-head - it's a close one)! The election date is scheduled for November 6, 2012.
I had the honour of being invited to attend and participate in the 2013 Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C in January! Thanks to my honour society I have the opportunity to attend a 5 day conference with guest speakers such as, Jeb Bush and Reverend Jesse Jackson! I'm pretty excited to learn more about the American political system and definitely see what transpires in the next little while! The Presidential Inauguration is on January 20, 2013.
So who do you believe will come out on top? Will it be Governor Mitt Romney? Or will President Obama stay on for another term?

Picture From: Mick Rogers
Picture From:

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